Children of Saul

Éva Kálmán

Kolozsvár, 1930-1931? – Auschwitz-Birkenau, late May or early June 1944

Five trains left Kolozsvár for Auschwitz between 25 May and 9 June 1944. One of them took Éva Kálmán and her family. Upon arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the fourteen-year-old girl and her grandmother (Mrs. Márk Krausz, 82) were selected by Dr. Mengele to be murdered because they were incapable of working. Éva’s mother, Erzsébet Schneider (40) was deemed to be fit for work and was sent to the other side. But she refused to let her daughter go and started screaming. Finally the SS physician let them go together  –  to the gas chamber.